Matter, formulas, elements, states of matter Answers to self test
Practice self test. Answer any 4 questions. All questions have equal weight. Allow 20 minutes. |
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What are the three states of matter? Which one is the most organized? What is the state of matter depicted in the flask below? Sketch a picture of the least compact state showing 11 atoms in the same size container. Answer: Solid, liquid, and gas are the commonly identified states of matter. The solid state is the most organized.
This drawing shows 11 atoms in the liquid state. The atoms are close together, but there is no regular pattern. The gas state has the 11 atoms randomly scattered around the interior of the flask. On average they would be far apart. The gas particles will collide with one another but they don't stick.
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Give the symbols for the following elements. Tell which is a metal and which is a nonmetal. Why do some of the names have no relation to the English name for the element? Answer:
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Dr. Walt Volland, revised June 26, 2013 all rights reserved 2005-2013