Welcome to Superb Internet!

We will do our best meet and exceed your expectations and needs. Your business is truly appreciated.

To start you up, some quick notes about your account:

  • remember that our system is SeNsItIvE to upper and lower case directory and file names
  • index.htm, index.html, index.cgi, index.shtml, and index.phtml are the default-loading home pages for any directory
  • cgi-bin, status and icons are invalid (shared) directories - DO NOT USE THEM!
  • upload your Perl/HTML/TXT in ASCII/TEXT mode
  • own CGIs (*.cgi) or SSI (*.shtml): utilize any directory except cgi-bin for your own scripts (e.g. cgibin) and set the permissions (chmod 755 filename in Telnet or FTP if your client supports it) correctly
  • for virtual E-mail forwarding refer to our Unix Support E-mail Section
  • your usage summary statistics are located at http://YOURDOMAIN/stats/
  • don't delete the preset directories unless you are sure you won't use them (some are required for Procmail, some for stats, some for virtual FTP, etc.)
  • to save our time and resources, your bill will be sent to you via E-mail ONLY a month prior to your account expiry; it will be for next quarter usage charges, plus new accounts and/or extra features (if any) in the past term. Please note, if you are ordering over 50% of your main account payment worth of services, we may have to ask you to pay up front for first such order to establish your credit line with us.
  • For more details or if you have any questions, please check in the Unix Support Area. Especially, make sure to see Getting Started for basic details to get your site up and running.
  • You are on server no1; server hardware plus connection details and statistics are available
Best Regards,
the Superb Internet staff

P.S. Delete this file and replace it with your actual main index/welcome page of your web-site.

All material © 1996 and 1997, Superb Internet Corporation.